Opensource trend-following systematic trading algorithms based on top trend following traders (Richard Dennis, Olivier Seban and Nick Radge).
Momentum-based strategies like this one focus on investing in assets that are showing a strong upward trend. This particular strategy picks 10 large global stocks from index MSCI World Momentum and buys them evenly at the beginning of each year. An optional trailing stop helps manage risk by automatically selling when the price drops.
xample strategy implementation in Python programming language for trading platform QuantConnect.
# region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
# endregion
class MsciWorldMomentumV1(QCAlgorithm):
def initialize(self):
# ********************************
# User defined inputs
# ********************************
# Basic settings
self.symbols = self.get_parameter("symbol", "META,AAPL,AVGO,NVDA,JPM,WMT,BRK.B,COST,LLY,NFLX").split(",")
self.enable_trailing_stop = True if (self.get_parameter("enable_trailing_stop", "False") == "True") else False
self.trailing_stop_percentage = self.get_parameter("trailing_stop_percentage", 0.3)
# ********************************
# Algorithm settings
# ********************************
# Basic
self.set_start_date(2015, 1, 1)
self.set_cash(10000) = {symbol: self.add_equity(symbol, Resolution.DAILY) for symbol in self.symbols}
self.TimeRules.AfterMarketOpen(self.symbols[0], 30),
def on_data(self, data: Slice):
def _rebalance_portfolio(self):
for symbol in self.symbols:
quantity = self.calculate_order_quantity(symbol, 1/len(self.symbols))
self.market_order(symbol, quantity)
if self.enable_trailing_stop:
self.trailing_stop_order(symbol, quantity * -1, self.trailing_stop_percentage, True)